Citrex Powder is a bactericidal and
fungicidal ultrabiotic composed of
physically activated ascorbic acid
(Vitamin C) combined with lactic and
citric acids plus glycerin. It also can
be used to improve productivity of
Functions and benefits
• Proven efficacy demonstrated in scientific studies in the presence of
severe challenge (Salmonellosis, Necrotic Enteritis, Colibacillosis, etc.)
• Effective in the prevention and treatment of infected flocks and
herds (Salmonellosis, Colibacillosis).
• Reduction of fecal shedding of animals infected with Salmonellosis.
• Substitute of growth promotants as Virginiamycin in poultry and Colistin
and Avilamycin in swine as demonstrated in vivo trials in both species.
• Control & prevention of Candidiasis.
• Innocuous to beneficial intestinal microflora. Potentiate the efficacy
of competitive exclusion products (probiotics).
• Low inclusion level in the feed.
• Resistant to pelletization and extrusion temperatures in the feed mill.
Can stand temperatures above 120oC.
• No negative interactions with most ionophorecoccidiostats,
prebiotics, tiamulin and other antibiotics
• No withdrawal period before slaughter after application in the ration
• Absence of residues in the eggs and meat of animals treated in the feed
• Non-corrosive to the farm equipment
• Non-irritating to the farm personnel
Ascorbic acid Minimum 3%
Glycerin 49 %
Citric acid Minimum 3%
Sodium chloride 1 %
Lactic acid Minimum 3%
Silica 41 %
25 kg
Include 100 to 200 gm per ton feed